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Rounding sharp edges
Inner and outer edges without sharp cut edges
Cutting sheet metal – whether by laser cutting or punching – inevitably produces sharp workpiece edges. In further processing steps, these sharp edges lead to problems – from adhesion problems during painting or galvanising to injuries to employees or customers. Rounded edges provide a remedy here. With EdgeRacer deburring machines from Wöhler, you can effectively round these sharp edges – on one side with the EdgeRacer E series or on both sides in one pass with the EdgeRacer D series.
Eliminate razor-sharp cut edges
Rounding of the edges is also standard today, and often a certain radius is even explicitly required. After all, razor-sharp cutting edges, which occur especially when cutting with laser cutting machines, are a risk of injury for employees and customers. The cutting edges are sometimes that sharp that even work gloves do not offer sufficient protection.
Beyond the risk of injury, however, there are other disadvantages and dangers of sharp cutting edges. Rounding the edges prevents sharp edges from damaging lines and hoses for electricity, compressed air or liquids.
Problems can also arise when lacquering and powder-coating the sheets. Powder coatings, like other organic coatings, have a tendency to edge flare. Rounding the edges prevents sharp edges from damaging lines and hoses for electricity, compressed air or liquids. Varnishes retreat during crosslinking. In the worst case, even the edge of the sheet metal can be seen through the coating. Of course, this no longer provides complete corrosion protection. Therefore, you should always round off the edges of the sheets.
When rounding the edges, you should still pay attention to what rounding is required or needed. With an increase in the radius, the material removal and thus also the wear on the tools increases exponentially.